Assets and Partners
Ingenbohl, Switzerland
20 Megawatt
In operation since October 2020
Netz: EW Schwyz / CKW
TSO: Swissgrid
The battery project is a purely privately financed initiative, which is implemented without public assistance and free of subsidies.
MW Storage's first mega-battery is being financed by the Swiss investment foundation Valyou and a Swiss bank.
Kerava, Finland
20 Megawatt
In operation since October 2021
TSO: Fingrid
The large-scale battery in Kerava, Finland, stabilises the Finnish electricity grid. In addition, the large-scale battery optimises the power consumption of one of the largest breweries in Finland.
The project was financed by Swiss investors and Siemens Financial Services.
Siemens Smart Infrastructure is our partner for the intelligent control and optimization of industrial operations.
Statement of Christian Spengler / Vice President
A viable customer projects consists of a smart technical solution wich is complemented by a innovative financing solution.
Statement of Peter Halliday / Vice President
Financial solutions from MW Storage has proven a key difference in providing viable solutions for our customers.
Fluence Energy is our supplier for battery storage systems.
Statement of Jan Teichmann / Vice President
We are pleased to work with a leading clean energy financier like MW Storage. Together, we are driving the global energy transformation by developing innovative commercial structures that make energy storage available to more customers and attractive to new classes of investors.